Wildcard's new metaphysics!

Wildcard was pleased, he had some new ideas to play with and thus he set about to build a better landscape and one that was more clear.

He began by listing and describing the various returning features to himself and his fweinds! So he began:

The essential keys of perception:

Darkness, Sound and Shell create the reality we perceive and their is an explicit style when drawing them.

Each creates the necessary form for existence and are described below and in other places on this blog in distinctive detail:

Each portion creates some manner of reality, for example Shells create the shape of it, sound creates the data of it and darkness is the substance of it.

  • They can be used to manipulate the world, for example, sound is used to blend and alter properties through adding them to other things, such as making water solid by putting it in a plastic bag.
  • Shells can be used to alter the shape of something towards some other nature through which it is made distinct from its predecessor and can thus be used differently, or distinctively.
  • Darkness allows the different kinds of shadow, which permeate existence and thus are in reality thew different kinds of elements ( called shadows ) which permit the different parts of reality.

In tandem they can be used to create:

Fire that is triangular and made of glass, aka a glass triangle shaped light bulb.

When drawn they have specific features described below:

Shells are always a black outline, Shadow is always a dark color and Sound is always symbols on the object.

The four Shadows:

The four elements, Glass, Ash, Fire and Smoke create the physical property of reality, but each can create new elements from them like Obsidian or Spark. 

These are the types of Shadow which exist in reality, the four basics are above but they have been well explained before, however a new addition is that they can blend through mixing and become newly discovered compounds which have a high diversity rate but all sound terrible.

For example ( with added drawing ):

Fog ( Smoke + Ash )
Magma ( Fire + Glass )
Spark ( Fire + Smoke )
Obsidian ( Ash + Glass )

These provide the means to creating even more substances and they must simply be observed in the environment, to be ascertained and used:

Magma is found when water is colored red, Fog on foggy days, Spark powers electricity and shocks, Obsidian is black substances.

Beyond Physicality:

Spirit, Scaffolding, and Space control the natures of existence beyond physicality has not changed.

Spirit communication is done by emails, Scaffolding controls reality by coincidental effect, Space has an effect on the other two.

Bodily effects:

Flesh, fur and scale create the living substances who crave much stimulation!

The effect of the three things is in their stimulation as the main components of the body, which provide different effects, effects that are called stimuli, stimuli create patterns of reaction, on the mind, separately from those above, but behave simultaneously.

Connection of mind:

Mind is at the center of existence, mind is a collection of gibberish we play with.

Depending on the effect of the stimuli and the coincidental, different functions come into being, these can be manipulated using similar uses to sprays, which Wildcard checked out while Pharath and friends explored the other world.

He followed them in secret. He probably could have asked, since he could come along, but he was bored.

Thus he finished off his post, by:

Concluding with:

Wildcard wanted to find his way to the ring at the edge of nothing! So he got on an ostrich and walked quickly away.

He went to:


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