Dark Color Intervoid Animal ( Quaffle )

Colors are by definition one of the few things people actually see on a daily basis and it is through the light as said by science that they come about, thus it is obvious how the animal of this projector effects and forms color, through its unending running and frolicking within its feild of reality.

Quaffle is an ostriche that effects color through its speed and forms the whole of it, even though he is not very colorful. Note that ostriches do not actually hide their head in the sand when fearful, but rather either attack or flee like any other animal. Ostriches are a bizaar set of creatures and this one is no different.

It's offered ability has only a little to do with color, because it is aout seeing the magic of the world as it functions clearly rather then invisibly. His offering of power is a study to make actual magic in the physical sense, rather then in the traditional sense of semi invisble force.

Thus while the magical portion of this study is coincedental, Quaffle offers the idea to make them guaranteed within the area of use ( although some could be difficult to set up ) or at the very least create more scenematic rituals by using actual technology to improve an experience visually.

One could use this in tandem with coincedental laws to observe even stranger things through the use of actual magic technology, An entire study of the things we can do to make magic even more magical through using what is available materially.

I can already imagine curse detectors or deflectors built from technology.

Quaffle the ostrich

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