Wildcard accidently arrived on the moon, because of his walk. This will be explained later on.
Uses for garbage, in relation to earth sky earth and sky.
Three kinds of garbage:
Collection = broken big things
- Used already and processed
- Minute is still waste due to unuse and thus we should find use for ot.
Scatter = laymans garbage
- Most is unused due to mundane appearence
- Can be used for universe exploration, but this must be further explore tonight
- A study called gibberscience is useful
Outreach = gas and spacecraft
- Must repeat process of scatter and collection, but in sky realm.
- Thus is the most difficult.
So wildcard thought of a way to make use of garbage and went with a cup as an example:
He studied its properties,
Discovered they can sometimes still be used if washed, but also that they can be made artistic. Or as a intruder alert or a small container for storage.
He did this by finding uses for the properties of the garbage.
Another example, a piece of plastic, is:
as its properties , thus if washed it can be used for :
- Wrapping things again
- Creating new bags
- As a special effect
- Curtains that let in light
But he needed one for the most common litter, cigarette butts, which have:
- Absorption
- Paper
- Squishy
- Fibrous
- Cancerous
They can be used to absorb chemicals
The paper can be used for note taking
They do make somewhat of a good comforter
And could even make blankets
But must be decontaminated first. ( the chemicals could theoretically be reused )
These were his notes, that he wrote during the day while on the moon and earth, he had discovered something else as well and wished to continue his human self's work, in the other blog. Thus he went there with the discovery:
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