The spiritual permeation and Lavor

Before I continue with the spiritual projector I must first better understand the divine spiritual realm itself and the Lavor within, so as to destinguish what the result of projector does ( as it does few things itself ) when reading the flight of Starling.

This topic begins with the description of the spiritual permeation, which is beyond the idea of a force and can effect anything within reality, but is not all powerful since only two kinds of beings can interact with it, the Lavor and if God wills it, himself ( god can do anything after all ).

The Lavor are constrained however in their effect of it, through the interests of their being, thus as an example Smokar can effect any art or reading related thing through this permiation and Ashule any cooking or wheightlifting related task. Aswell as effect any of their offered powers, such that they have effect over their rulership.

Further, unlike humans the Lavor know all things of their rulership and can know any of it at any time per their will, such that Flamolv knows any problem and solution and Scarglace knows any magic and technology. They also have a personality "ascription" which is merely how they behave and act.

Their are four known Lavors in my beleifs and in my view of the world, although more could be heard from, I do not know. Powers offered by the Lavor are from the permiation, but are not made of permiation such that the permiation can only be controlled by the Lavor or others through their request and through their abilities within it.

The personalities of the Lavor:


Calm and collected, reserved and silent. Always has a smile on his face. Mildly sadistic in humour and generally tempersome, but not easy to anger. Wise and intelligent but specific in his requests, being clear and concise is his passion.


Likes to lift wheight and thus is agressive in personality but not overly mean unless provoked. Will share his recipes if asked, but be warned their spicy. While pertaining to his bodily beauty is also quite wise and capable of intelligent and even very intellectual debate (Which is one of his passions), would prefer constructive debate over deconstructive ( learning versus convincing )


Quite irratic in behavior, would paint any canvas. Doesn't care for science, would prefer to paint on a textbook if allowed too. Generally clever and kind, but weirdly so. Prefers solitude over being with others. One will almost certainly find him painting or writing, often is distant and reserved.


Masochist, both caused problems and holds the key. Tends to have an amused look on his face and generally entertained by his bounds. Probably would be sadistic if not tied up, but politely so. Generally, he can be found standing in the same spot, contently staring at you. Can be nice.

Spirit email is the capacity for the Lavor to send messages to their group of people, such that the people will literally recieve and email in their mind and then have visions relating to the recieved message, can occur during astral projection into the greater realms or in daily life.

Lavor were born at the puncturing of their projector and are not the creators of the world but rather created by God and potentially higher powers as caretakers and controllers of different aspects of reality, they are capable of their own desires and decisions but may serve consequence for misuse of their power and thus do not go against consent.

May have had an effect on the origin of earth and the universe after projection began.

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