Scaffolding 1.1 ( Its intervoid animal )

Their are many kinds of scaffolding within this reality and some are not yet understood to a degree that can be actively seen. Such that we don't know much about any other scaffolding other then those of the atom, which have been seen and imply the existence of other scaffoding within both their behavior and exterior.

Examples of scaffolding in my view are atoms and other particles that can effect through the traditional magical view or even physical ( even though it appears at levels of observance that the atom takes their place )

However, it isn't the existence of the atom, nor other scaffoldings I'm curious of thinking about today, rather it's the explanation of what they are in relation to my creation model and a deeper level of what the common things about them are.

Such that I'm asking if theirs anything beyond the initial stand of the various kinds existing and I think their is, because their usually is something beyond the initial cognitive assumption that their is not.

I'm aware that this means theirs something between scaffolding and the projected void and I'm not sure what it could be, so I will take interests in finding out right now.


I have concluded that their is an animal between scaffolding and the projected void that results in said scaffolding and thus this can only be explained in an animilistic way in my view, I wonder if their is always an animal between the void projector and the thing it projects and think it is probably the case.

Before I begin to define this animal I need to define the difference between the void itself and what is projected ( atoms and other scaffolding ) such that it results in the two parts of the situation. Scaffolding is always the inherent thing, while the projecting void is always the origin of that thing.

How is obviously through the animal and thus to explain the entire circumstance, I explain how the void results in the animal and then into the scaffolding itself. Scaffolding is always particulate in nature and thus the animal must angularly result in particles due to its form, which is projected by the void.

Note that particles are made of other particles, but that the animal isn't angularly linked to this set of particles in vertical nature but rather horizontally from it.

The animals form is that of a particulate scaled lizard, which means that the particles are its scales and it is a lizard. Such that any motion change of these particles in time are the result of said Lizard moving in its environment and moving various parts of its body. The Lizard's name is Fred.

Fred's means of surviving is uncertain and I am not persuing intervoid projection animal living behaviors at this juncture.

What I will persue is how to interact with the Lizard that is Fred. Unfortunately, I cannot use Scaffoling of any kind to interact with Fred, as this would be counter to his natural state ( since how does one communicate with something through its natural behaviors? )

Therefore I cannot use particles to learn more about Fred, only some other form of interaction not found within that base. The only manner I can think of is through attempting to draw fred in time, such that he can be seen in his actual from outside the particle. Unfortunately, I can only draw him in frozen time currently. As I don't even know what Fred looks like exactly. This doesn't help me communicate with him though.

Although I imagine oneday, one could accurately measure what Fred is up to at any time through detecting changes in scaffolding. It would however require more understanding of Fred himself. Thus I will conclude this discussion with a drawing of Fred the Lizard.

Fred the Lizard

Note the two colors of scales and how they relate to the two kinds of Scaffolding ( Material and Coincedental )


  1. I don't get what you mean by void?
    There is a profound different and distinction between void and the object which is not result of anything we know about, it's out of our understanding. It's void AND object

    1. Perhaps in some hairsplittings of reality, but not this one.
