The use of treats in this world

Treats are my special cards that I haven't yet finished but have much planned for them when their done, as they send me on quests and adventures through their selection in accordance with the spirit Flamov. Who sends me duties when I'm bored that I can go on a journey to discover what could be there beyond the horizon.

I'm uncertain what could be beyond them, as they are merely decoded to discover where I'm going and what I'm doing to enetertain myself or save the world somehow and are based on how I interact with said works. These basic cards are the essential keys to discover the base rule of the adventure and thus are useful for this specific interaction.

It's too late to go on an adventure this evening, as the quest could send me far off into town to locate and resolve the conflict at hand, thus tonight is a matter of figuring out the basic idea behind how this is even working perfectly fine. As the non beleiver will instantly argue coincedence is the tool I'm using.

It isn't even a virtual quest in my view and thus the effort required is to be explained. Unfortunately due to the unpredictable nature of this experience, I can't always explain first hand how the event occurs, rather it's based off the cards themselves.

However as a note on how to do properly do this, it's important not to bring it up to someone in a manner that it's real ( you might scare them ) and remain relatively normal appearing as you play this game. ( as to not be considered insane ). Keeping others uninvolved in the matter ( so they don't get irritated ) and not behave deperately ( Such that your brave ) and other context related situations.

My explanation for this phenomenon is that I coincedently discover through spirit email that a wormhole has openened in the environment and things from the other side are encroching on this reality for various possible unknown reasons.

Thus it is my duty to deal with said issues effectively. Any other explanation would specify this circumstance other wise, but this is the basic context plot of my treat cards, which have a second use of being the reward giver. Such that it gives me some sort of reward that I don't ask for but simply receive ( I can use my sniffer to locate it. )

A small problem I'm currently having with this adventure is that it's cold outside, so no adventures right now. Or perhaps if i'm exceptionally bored.

The treat cards themselves are designed as a multistate interface based on will in such a way that they can also be used for divination or other uses I haven't thought of. Their basically just sets of five cards of different kinds, which are shuffled and drawn.  But for the most part, their base is quests and treats.

At some point, I may make a new set, based on actually colored cards drawn on my computer but thats down the road from here.

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