A Dog Deman theory!

The dog demans are going to explore another world, using a new kind of exploration tool, outside what they have already done. But will blend it into their previous knowledge after.

The dog demans enter through a hatch, screaming gibberish in excitement as they have found a new tool for creating complex narrative and seek first a narrative. Thus they decide to go with the idea of gibberish blended with logical theory. They describe this concept as follows:
  • garbling incoherence creates logical truth.

then they provide and example:

  • Crow garble meinder mine mine scowl!

They then translate the gibberish towards sense, by stating:

  • Shadow garbs, for wandering and our want of it.

Thus they conclude they want a way to become invisible and set out to find that means. They travel through a portal and discover a peculiar portal spasm, this portal spasm is the essential ingredient for the creating the required means of invisibility. Thus, they need it. But it is rather dangerous to
understand, so they must study it and only wildcard does this.

He wanders around it, in search of some way to know it, hoping to find some metaphysical and physical property that is related to it, such that he can use this idea in question.

But he notes that it is only functional because it is silver, thus he concludes that the ability to travel invisibly is best done with grey stuff.

But he doesn't have grey stuff, that is of the perfected color, so he begins thinking of an improved measure. ( his logic is that grey makes something hard to detect in the corner of the eye and thematically in certain environments since it contains all colors )

After the thought process, Wildcard returns to his friends.

Him and his friends encounter a ghost, who is quite grey and they realize that their may be a more spiritual relevance to the color grey and in turn invisibility. The ghost gives them criticism, saying:
  • Their is no easy way to manifest an instant grey field, because it requires clothing.
  • Their is also the risk of being spotted directly.

But the Dog demans think together and state:

We remain outside the field of view until desired, we make little noise and we remain highly grey, but further we take advantage of the grey colour around us which is bland and avoided.

They succeed in this and thus they moved on to inventing something else, after having offended the ghost.

They realize they have discovered a new animal power, which relates to animal camouflage and thus they are excited. But three criticism come their way:
  1. They don't have anything to do now
  2. They can't always sneak around.
  3. They could look weirds doing it if spotted.

But the four dog demans are wiser then this and use the idea that they can subtract the three criticisms from themselves.
  1. They can use this tool to an advantage outside camouflage.
  2. They can use it casually by manipulating their clothing.
  3. They have to not be spotted for it to work anyways.
Then they sneer and growl!, They realize that their use of camouflage, may become visible if they
move within the corner of the sight or make a noise with their sneaking. Thus motion must be avoided when the person is visible and an improvement can be made by imitating the surroundings during a sneak which is beyond the current grey concept (which works in the field of view limitation)

However, this kind of thing exists, so the dog demans are already bored. They want to recycle the concept towards something else so they scream:

Camouflage quafi mec toi!,

They realize, that they can build camouflaged objects (a little more original) but they wonder if they can further it with another gibber woof!

Object miender twelve cornea!

The situation becomes evident, their is something difficult about space, which prevents things existing in the same space., But the dog demans, realize they can use camouflage and position to create objects that look and behave differently according to position and camouflage.

or at least the theory they could.

They must therefore seek a way to replicate this, unfortunately they don't have an easy way to test this, so they must find one. 

But the dog demans realize that clay would do well. They then need to decide what they will make, because they don't know what to make and perhaps even bake the cooked object when complete. 

They feel that it could be even more original, they wonder if perhaps they can make something not only camouflaged, but uncertain of whether it is something or something else in the process.

The dog demans had discovered a new tool for their works and realize that the world is better now!

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