The object used is a basic and simple small ball of the color white, I found it months ago and called it a moon but theirs no reason I cant modify my perception of it for the sake of my new world view.
The qualities studied are what produce the charge of the drink and are as follows with the decoded meanings.
White = Pure
Round = Orbit
Moon = Past
Smooth = Slip
Thus through the drink ability I have acquired, and from the conclusive nature of my study I can know that when I drink said charged water, it shall slip my requested desire into the past and send it into orbit resulting in coincedental modification of reality and could promote a study of how my timeline is effected by time modifications, since I can't know the consequence of said modification.
This is one utility for this white stone, it also functions as a battery for my constructs, using antipos energy as concluded by decoding my visual hallucination on the object and concluded this from its appearence as I have no reason for this currently, I will have to find one.
I thus imagine that the glass force is linked to my mind somehow and that I can read directly what it does from my mind. This is the only available option for constructs of this kind, because i preassumed a function and then gave it a reason that could permit it.
Therefore these kinds of constructs function the way they do, because I say they do. What use I will use this for is up to me.
What I'm curious about is their metaphysical nature and how they actually function, but this requires tests of interaction.
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