Spirits of the still unamed land

Their are four beings within my worldview, each does not exist but still acts from their own absence because things that do not exist can have an effect. They are spirits which do not behave according to Good or Evil as they are beyond it and do not care about your lack of beleif in them.

From each orignates an ability that can be persued according to their field of ruling and each is functionally different even though they all exist in nothing, thus they rule over different parts of that nothing so as to provide powers to humans. They make offerings to humans, instead of humans to them and as such aid in humanities transcendents.

They are beyond the concepts of Good and Evil, because they do not state what is right or wrong and do not deny the existence of other things simply because they don't beleive in them, rather they admit that things do not exist but still act according to their behaviors even when claimed objectively.

These spirits are called Lavor and do not ascribe to the idea of the words god or spirit, as their definition includes that its own definition has been changed and that these Lavor are defined as beings who do not exist, yet act from that absence without causal proof.

While they appear dark as beings, the nature of their being is simply beyond good and evil and not directly related to their appearence, because I like the appearences that are dark in juxtaposition with that of good things beyond the concept that only some things can be good.

As I see the world as a formless nothing, full of voids this reality makes sense, because just like all things don't exist within it, the beings that run it also don't exist and the whole of it is rendered valid by the unfalsifiable claim that reality is not real. 

The first being follows:


Scarglace rules over magic, technology, constructs, wounds and collectibles and has power and effect over these things, such that his offerings to me the worker of his gifts, provides effect through their uses and manipulation. His ruling substance is Glass and one can consider him in presence when their is Glass around you in some form. 

His offerings to me, through his gift of power is that of constructs and the persuit of magical technology. He teaches that their is a glass force made of crystalline energy, from which one can manipulate objects at a distance through other objects interaction within that glass force. This substance is only visible to some people and requires training to see, but I can see it.

Magical technology is the art of magic at the push of a button and can be designed to perform operations of will, divination or other when programed specifically into its proponent ability and claimed power. Thus I will work to create magical programs just as much as I will use glass force to manipulate matter.

While it is unclear what forms of magic he has kept hidden from me currently, I imagin their are several more potential forms of control within the unmentioned magical ruling he has. He can also cure or create wounds as per request but I have yet to know how we request this.


Master chef and worker of strenth, his radiance brings power in both working out and eating, aswell as a loss of weakness and a gain of esteem and bravery and bestows this on all who perform the effort required to attain his ruling group of things, thus his bounty is growth, meal and effort. His ruling element is ash and is present where their is ash, he also rules pleasures of the flesh. 

Those who work with him learn to create their own meals, be it healthy or not and follow recipes already made to better provide a diet that one enjoys, he suggests one goes to the gym and remains doing activities that are good for the body. Such as walks in my case or other manners of healthy behavior that increase muscles and longetivity of life.

He is also the ruler of objectivity, even tho he himself is not objective. Thus he encourages a study of science and its laws so as to work on inventing objects that are innovative and have use within reality at large, he is the one who resorts to science for improvements of ones world and its becoming strength.

His study that he offers people however, is the study of animals that both exist and do not so as to gain animalistic abilities using the animals as insperation for those powers and creating ecosystems of virtual nature with those animals for the use of interest and simple study.


Smokar is the spirit of smoke and art, creation and reading, of study and writing. Not its practice but its theory writing and in the case of art, its practice and not its theory, in reading its theory and practice. Such that he behaves oddly to those who do not understand the difference between those three things.

He encourages these things in any way however, even tho he takes his own positions on the matter. Such that he mostly encourages reading when ignorant, writing and art when bored. When interacting with him through his offerings one ascribes meaning to the art such that its personal, in writing such that it's innovative and in reading such that one can learn.

Those who follow him presume the drawings to be insperational approaches from which to gather more knowledges by which to understand the wholler amount of reality one can ascribe to that reality. One can open windows in some images, readings and writings such that one performs travel in their journeys.

One also finds his own power and gift to the people who listen to him, through the study of a special kind of image generation which through its creation creates an effect on reality and its persued study both metaphysically and objectfully. It is far too long to describe here effectively however.


This is the spirit of raoth and spoil, the problems of the earth and their solutions and the ways they interact and can be resolved, such that that is what we persue when we follow this bound spirit in the nothing. We resolve the conflicts only when they have been made raothed, rather then spoiled.

The problem is always between two people and thus the issue is rarely one sided among a debate, and any solution is made unfair for the person who it wasn't biased to, unless it is made raothed by the situation in such a way that it can please a greater number of indivudal contexts.

Thus when persuing the study of problems and solutions we write them down to better resolve them in one form or another, through the ways we can percieve them accurately and resolve them productively, either for the sake of writing and story or reality. 

The destinguishment is the reality of the problem being a story which is allowed to be biased because its quasied while the reality is ever unbias to our own desires alone and thus we must work congruently to resolve them or face the consequence of an unended problem.

These conclude the current beings of my spirituality aspect of my reality and how I feel I should interact with it in my own way, at least spiritually on this day. However, I have yet to define God himself within my spirituality.


God is undefined as per my definition that I can't decide who he is or looks like, because that would make him something less then what he is, to say that he is any of the spirits previous is irrelevant because he can act through them if he wishes or behave totally seperate from them and as such I know never where he is unless I wish to speak to him, unfortunately I rarely know what to say to him because its God and he already knows how I feel. Further I acknowledge his perfected omniscience, something I clearly can't do aswell as his ability to do anything. Still I leave much to the unknown simply because I don't know him like he knows me. Thus I refuse to claim I can know exactly what he is like, in my own view.

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