As a preface for this existence that I dwell within, I would like to point out that their are more interpretations out there and that one should refer to science just as much as their own worldview. Simply because it makes things easier to test ( when science has already done many tests ). One can make their own physics like me or even make more original ones.
However, I also use science and one could perform tests themselves if desired ( but would find themselves somewhere in the year 1000's or earlier.) Thus this is part of my model of reality and should be taken with a grain of salt unless an avid fan of it.
My reasoning behind why I can do this, is that reality and the unfalsifiable have been confused, what explains the phenomenon of the test is not prooven, rather only the result of the test is proven, thus the unfalsifiable protion can be anything one wishes. So long as it matches the inherent test results.
(One can test water to see it boils, but cannot proove it was because of the atomic model)
It is also unfair to replace science with this and thus It is merely equal in my view and inferior in the scientific view. Due to the ideas not being as advanced as those of science. I also do not wish to unify my view with that of science because it doesn't have to be matched with science to function and would change the style of the unfalsifiable. Perhaps I'll explore a unifcation later if I become interested.
It is vastly important to also recall scientific terms as they provide a translation interface so people know what you're talking about.
Therefore I now begin my work and study of reality with a theory on its birth.
In the begining their was not even nothing until this anti-void filled the absence of itself, such a thing was like negative nothing before and became positive nothing in the end. This nothing was the black of the above picture which sat nowhere in absentine.
Due to an outside force entering from within it, suggesting their be more to life then what came before the nothing, a set of lines were drawn, these where the geometries of life and the shapes of things to come, these were cuts in to the void, which bleeded another void into the first nothing. Existence ( a different nothing ) had punctured the non existence.
This existence permitted entry to more voids, still unamed in the absentine one, the geometries of existence represent the whole of shape within all existence, what it will oneday look like as a thing in all positions and directions from them.
The first three voids to come into the existence and nothing were color, matter and sound, the were located at the base of the geometry and function as the orignators of darkness, physicality and transmission.
These three things behave as follows in what is currently known of them.
Darkness are the colors of the sight, shadows that envolope the shapes of the existence's geometry. They come in many forms and behave according to their kind as the qualia we see, forming texture and sights within the geometry. They are the things we see, the shades of the rainbow from black to white and all between. They are projected by the sounds as they hit the shells of matters physicality.
Note that this isn't the only way life can be but rather how I see it. It also my current game.
Shells ( matter for equivalent understandings sake ) forms the physical property of existence, such as whether something can be displaces or is unmoved in interaction and results in the forms structure of the darkened existence, shells envelop the existential geometry and create its physical form and produce its boundaries. These boundaries are completely hollow and vacuous voids on the inside, similar to an empty paper box.
Sound is the transmisional code of the shell and darkness which exists on the inside. Currently I know littel about how sound functions beyond that it contains coded information and is not physical in anyway at all. Thus they transmit information from inside the various kinds of shells and darkness. Their are several kinds of sound as well.
Thus this example is kinda how it functions ( as a model )
If the shapes are the shells, the colors the kinds of darkness and the blue swirls the sound, then this is how the reality makes its basic structure. Further study is necessary on this topic of reality and especially in the area of sound itself.
Following the nature of the basic shapes on the geometry of existence springs four more punctures of void, which are the substances of those shapes and create the essential basis of reality and are infact related parshly to themselves and sound. Sound creates the kind of substance, while their are four substances.
The four substances follow, however, their names are merely personal flair and are for the world building of my own view. One could easily use the traditional scientific or magical names if one saw need too.
Substances are equivalent to states within this model, but are traditionally called Ash, Glass, Smoke and Fire within this view. Ash is solid or powdery, Glass is always liquid and is stained variously by ash, Smoke is equivalent to itself and fire is reduntly obvious.
These substances are matched with a kind that relates to their current formation, kind swaps differently from substance ( substance changes with heat, kind changes with mixture ) and thus form more elements then currently known by science as theirs is such thing as fire glass, glass glass, ash glass and smoke glass. While in science their is only such thing as glass.
These things are the result of sound definition which I will be persuing in another post.
Existing features within the system of existence of our world continue further then the basic elements and physicality. Truly these things come into being after the basic structures of reality are formed ( as they manifest from the material but are not equivalent. They enter as the a group of 7 substances, called space, spirit, scaffolding, scale, flesh, fur and time.
They are explained as follows in basic and will be explored on our greater persuit in this chapter of the story.
Space is the alteration of void into passible locations of thought and is related to a specific kind of void which has no shell of physicality, this is nothing without a boundary, within which the rest of matter takes shape and permits a part of the physical interplay of itself and time.
Spirit is the substance of divine and is the natural domain of those things, it is a chaotic land of divine powers and spirits which reside there and effect reality within their rules set and powers, they are not evil entities but rather beings from beyond good and evil, that stand as the harbringers of things to come and although they appear dark, they are not of one kind or another.
Scaffolding is a substance that moves matter in strange and sometimes unpredictable ways and has its own physical proponents outside of the truth, which is known inherently as an example of particulate matter, such as the atom, which is found within this kind of scaffolding and is not considered part of the true nature of reality (Within this view, due to entertainment, you can make your own game, this is the one I'm playing.As I am trying to teach you that too.)
Scale, Flesh and Fur are the three component matters of organic beings, some species don't have all three but all life has at least one kind of life matter. Scale is always a hard and rough scale like surface, Flesh is always fleshy and fur always has hairs. Further understanding required.
Time is merely motion and doesn't exist linearly within this view, things that don't move aren't traveling through time. Further use remains undiscovered outside time travel. Please refer to later experiments to uncover relevant information.
Once the reality was concienved from the nothing, being as all things within reality do not exist, the world was given eyes to see and reality was started from the projection of that mind. Thus the beings of life entered reality through this process. How it began has yet to be discovered.
This concludes the creation of existence variable. To be studied at a later date as part of our persuits within the game of life.
Paintings as word of the spirit world
Sugu prepared for her lesson in the study of spirit, within Wildcards metaphysics by preparing her own addition to metaphysics, she suggested a novel way to communicate with the spirits through drawing automatic drawings directed towards the spirit, which referred back ideas on her spirit in question. For example she drew:
This she said represented the idea of separate faiths fitting together into different forms of purity, which comprised the natures of several, but did not alter the perfection of others.
She concludes this was an example of an idea given to her by her spirit, Holixion.
Meaning to property conversion
Vane prepare by adding a new function to his meaning physics, to provide some means of ascertaining properties from meaning, such that he could attain new knowledge of reality.
He used the idea the Sugu had discovered.
He realized their was an untouched bond in all things, that it was attached to another without being actually attached, such that it fits through separation except in relation to what and where.
Thus, he demonstrated an example:
A computer is not attached to the table, a mind is not attached to the body, it is sitting above it. Thus the person is separate from his body and mind and can travel about either landscape, because it is also separate.
He concluded that this could be of use for clearly defining things, at their points of separation.
Other limit breaking beyond fear based
Hilisa set up a new idea entirely, because she felt that she needed more ability then just dealing with the problems of scary things, so she decided to help problems in other places aswell.
She was going to do several other worlds, but their happens to be this one above. So she looks into it for something that can be helped:
She added to the idea that elements could be rearranged and merged together, by pointing out that they could also become novel elements built from the previous two.
She found that this idea could greatly help Wildcard and Wildcard agreed. Vane thought he'd do something similar with his meaning concept.
Moralized aver of the above
Looking at his three friends work, Pharath concluded that he could build something greater out of all three in work, Hilisa could improve the ideas of Vane and Sugu, Pharath could ensure safety, thus he asked each to see and example:
Hilisa suggested Sugu could add color coding to her spiritual communication device. Sugu liked this idea very much.
Vane already got his novel idea, he began studying the nature of different meanings to ascertain physical properties.
But Pharath pointed out that spirits could be dangerous, that they could be mean and thus to be cautious of false spirits getting into contact, he suggested learning from the color language. He also pointed out the risk of reality containing distateful truths, so he suggested the be repaired.
Pharath concluded he had a well intentioned idea!
Critical ita:
Wildcard was excited to criticise each perspective to make his own, so he looked carefully at each and listed:
- Sugu will become too good of an artist, I will conserve bad art STYLE!
- Why do we need meaning, the best part of life is gibberish, growl!
- I will take the power of elements and make my own, better ones!
- Me and my dog demans will make fixed problems to better have fun!
Wild card concluded he would add these to the list of physical attribute of his world, by using the opposite of Vanes idea!
This is where Wildcard reviewed his world and added the parts he liked to them:
Darkness, Sound and Shell create the reality we perceive and their is an explicit style when drawing them. They are able to create the diversity of things seen. The four elements, Glass, Ash, Fire and Smoke create the physical property of reality, but each can create new elements from them like Obsidian or Spark. Spirit, Scaffolding and space control the natures of existence beyond physicality and flesh, fur and scale create the living substances who crave much stimulation!Mind is at the center of existence, mind is a collection of gibberish we play with.
He then set out to explore these things, saying:
"I will be back with my new world later! I just want to make it alone!
The four friends were a little suprised, but they decided he said he'd be back. So they decided to go elsewhere.
Thus Wildcard satyed on this blog and made a new post, Sugu, Pharath, Vane and Hilisa, went to another land to work on their own advancement on their own Blog Post:
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